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Model Quick Reference

Model Quick Reference

The following table provides a quick overview of all persistent types supported by the Marketplace specification.

Persistent Resources

Type Brief Description
IdentityProvider Marketplace instance-level configuration parameters allowing user authentication against an external authority using OpenID Connect authentication flows.
User A distinct person or system with some degree of access or interest to a Marketplace instance.
(User) Identity IdentityProvider-specific information pertaining to a given User.
(User) Platform Declaration of a compatible external Product runtime environment maintained by the User.
Group A named collection of Users for purposes of batch Role assignment.
(Group) Member Essentially a "join" record signifying a given User’s placement within a Group.
Role A named set of permissions.
(Role) Appointment The granting of a single Role to a single User or Group. (It is a polymorphic type.)
JsonWebToken An RFC 7519 JSON Web Token issued to permit access by a given Identity to a Marketplace instance as a bearer token.
License A known software or content license type, required to create Product records.
Product Declaration of a Platform-compatible executable in the form of key metadata. Does not directly provide a reference to an executable image.
(Product) License The offering of a given Product via the terms of a specific License.
(Product) Screenshot Optional graphical images for illustrating Product features to Users.
(Product) Build Defines the reference to a specific version of an image of a given Product. Images must be hosted such that the Marketplace and its Users have read-only network access, at minimum.
(Product Build) Dependency Known dependencies that are needed to run a given Build of a service.
(Product Build) Exposure The standardized Interfaces capabilities provided by a given Product Build.
(Product Build Exposure) Parameter States that configuration parameter of the given name is required at runtime to successfully provide the Interface of the Exposure.
(Product Build) Configuration The runtime constraints of a Build that need to be known by a Platform for execution.
(Product Build Configuration) Task A container entry point and associated constraints that must be run as part of a Configuration profile.
Interface Marketplace-wide declaration of a standardized – or at least conventionalized – computational integration point. They are not constraints to HL7 standards.
(Interface) Surrogate Marketplace-wide statement that the referenced substitute Interface provides compatible capabilities of the given base Interface. Useful for defining new versions of an Interface that are backwards compatible with older versions.
Entitlement An user-acquired/owned instance of a ProductLicense, also defining activation data specific to the instance. (Note: Groups may not own Entitlements, but may Claim them.)
Claim Polymorphic type representing a user or group usage of an Entitlement against the limits of the underlying License.
Voucher A unique bearer token that may be redeemed for an Entitlement to a defined ProductLicense. The redeeming party may keep the Entitlement for themselves, or assigned it to another User.
Attempt Audit record of a User or Group trying to authorize usage of given Product. Used for reporting and fraud detection.

Non-Persistant Resources

A small number of a utility functions are provided that have no directly persistent model in the underlying data store.

Type Brief Description
Authorization (Not a model type but several endpoints in the API) A set of behavioral calls for clients to dynamically verify that a User or Group is allowed access to a Product via any Entitlement and Product graph pathway, subject to the semantics of all supported Licenes types, restrictions, and additional business policies.
Status A service health check providing the server datetime, session status, and other metadata.